Will it provide a better, safer workplace experience for building users than current UV, fogging or wet chemical methods?

OXONOX offers a genuinely new, but brilliantly simple solution, for permanent sterilisation of air and surfaces, without labour, or need for chemicals or any consumables, every minute of every day, for a fraction of the total cost (£3 per day) of manual work or alternative solutions such as UV light. The complex arrangement of filters and scrubbers ensure that no chemicals leave our device after treatment of the air.

Will it reduce the total man hours and consumables required for sterilisation of touchpoints?

OXONOX Plasma Solutions run continuously and use the air as raw material and have no moving parts users can expect negligible maintenance costs ( a yearly filter change)  and sub-£10 per year running costs

How could I tell asset users they are better protected?

OXONOX is something genuinely new to shout about that user/visitor wellbeing is top priority. OXONOX have a suite of marketing and communication materials, including digital signage and social media, that can easily be integrated into your social media and placed within your buildings.

Is Plasma Technology the same as UV technology?

No, they are completely different apart methods for sterilisation without human intervention. UVC technology inactivates the reproduction abilities of microorganisms with a high dosage of UVC light whereas plasma  technology from OXONOX kills all pathogenic microorganisms in seconds. 
Plasma and its sterilisation effects are not affected by reflective surfaces such as glass found in many modern buildings, leisure venues etc. UV Light Radiation would not be suitable where light can be reflected.  
UVC light radiation is affected by shadowing so can almost never cover 100% of a target, OXONOX plasma technology, as a gas, has 360 degree coverage. Safety concerns of using UV such as light radiation, risk of ozone generation also have to be considered whereas  OXONOX products simply use the air around us and exhaust super-cleansed air back into  environment. The ultra-cleansed air that is the by-product of OXONOX products is completely safe.

What does Log 5 mean and why is it important?

Log reduction is a mathematical calculation used to understand the number of living microbes that are killed when using  cold plasma technology or other method of sterilisation. This is especially important to understand how effective a product is to eliminate or reduce the spread of viruses.  
For example, a log reduction of 1 corresponds to a 90% reduction in the inactivation of the target microbe. This sees a reduction factor of 10. On the other end of the scale, a log reduction of 6 corresponds to a 99.9999% reduction in the inactivation of the target microbe, which sees a reduction factor of 1,000,000.  
This is an important and effective calculation as it explains the relative number of microbes targeted and reduced by the disinfectant and therefore prevents the further spreading of viruses.  
The difference between 99.9% and 99.99 log 5 is from 1000 microbes per 1,000,000 down to 10 per 1,000,000, enough to really make a difference to microbial activity and regeneration.

Does Plasma Technology from OXONOX contain dangerous levels of Ozone?

All gases are dispersed in safe doses within government regulations. After plasma is  generated it is filtered into harmless and super-cleansed air and exhausted back  into atmosphere.

Is the Technology and Products by OXONOX really “plug and play?

The Air Space family of products are both portable and permanent enabling us to find a product that fits your circumstances. Lifts and escalators are different, bespoke mounts and brackets may be required but we will ensure all of this happens with minimal disruption to your operations.

How often does it clean the area?

The engine within our products is calibrated for a range of spaces, sizes and applications. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year the product will be operating, and roughly every 30minutes it will be renewing its supply of cleansing chemistry as it constantly cleans the air being sucked in.

What level of microbiotic kill does it provide?

Extreme kill levels typically at least 99.99% Log 4 up to 99.999% Log 5, a paradigm shift with plasma sterilisation technology, every second of every day. This means that sterilisation lasts longer with less risk of microbial resistance to treatment.

Does it really eradicate odours?

We have worked for the last few years with applications that suffer from very high odours and the answer is yes. Read our white papers, and ask for testimonials from our partners and we are happy to provide them. It works by killing the air borne microbiology, flora and fauna that are causing the smell. This is unlike filters in air conditioners etc which simply trap the odours. Within 10minutes we can turn the smelliest for fridges or rooms into a fresh and clean smelling space.

I suffer from mould build up, how could you help?

In places where there may be a source of flora and fungi that could become air borne then yes we can. Several of our clients have seen a reduction in time spent cleaning after installing our systems. This is because we manage the flow of air around the room, actively addressing the problematic microbes before they settle on a surface.

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