Improving the well being, health, hygiene and costs associated with everyday airborne microbiological threats

An overview of airspace™ range

The OXONOX AirSpace™ range encompasses diverse applications, catering to different needs.

The portable AirSpace™ Flexi 120 offers mobility, while AirSpace™ SP 120 to 480 units are ideal for spaces requiring enhanced ventilation that can be quickly repositioned. For a permanent solution in places like public bathrooms where odour and freshness are required consider the Air Space™ Wall variant.

The compact AirSpace™ Chiller fits into areas such as fridges, ideal for small medium and large cold store applications from mortuaries to food stores.

The Air Space Pathogen Plus™ is designed to deal with harsher environments where air borne odours and pathogen loads are higher, such as hatcheries and animal husbandry.

the benefits of using an AIRSPACE™ UNIT

When employers prioritize employee well-being in spaces with limited natural ventilation, it promotes longer staff retention, resulting in savings on recruitment and onboarding expenses.
By addressing airborne microbiological activity and prioritizing employee safety, organizations can potentially save millions in food spoilage costs, especially with perishable items like salads and fresh vegetables.
Additionally, it reduces food waste and associated landfill expenses.
As an example, healthcare and mortuary managers have shown enhanced staff recruitment and retention by mitigating risks from airborne microbiological pathogens, reducing cleaning tasks, whilst greatly improving working conditions. This has a positive effect on multiple aspects of the organisation.
Whenever unpleasant odours reach a level of discomfort for employees or customers, addressing and improving the situation by managing the Air Quality can lead to enhanced employee and customer satisfaction, which is generally beneficial for business.

Current application areas

NHS and private healthcare
Addressing a wide range of areas and applications across healthcare, from odour and build up of moulds and fungi through to reducing cleaning time on surfaces and improving staff well being through management of air.
Eliminating odours and reducing risk of contamination through air borne transmission. Noticeable improvements in staff wellbeing and customer areas.  
Hatcheries and Animal Husbandry
Pathogen Plus is ideal for reducing the odours from intensive incubation areas and managing the risk of air borne pathogens. 
Food and Fresh Produce
Unpleasant odours and build up of moulds is much more manageable with our range of products. 


AirSpace™ Flexi 120: Compact and versatile, it delivers AirSpace™ treated air ventilation wherever needed.
Processing up to 120 cubic meters per hour, it reduces microbiological activity and airborne odours, creating a safer, fresher environment.

120, 240, 360, 480

AirSpace™ Wall range: A modular system that can be wall-mounted or placed in voids, providing flexible and movable semi-permanent ventilation to reduce airborne pathogen threats. Compact units, 400mm wide by 500mm high, easily adapt to spaces up to 500 cubic meters. Optimal effectiveness can be achieved by positioning two 120 units facing each other in a 200 cubic meter space. This solution offers auxiliary ventilation and microbiological control without costly building reconfiguration or replacement HVAC systems.

120, 240, 360, 480

AirSpace™ Chiller, designed for cold-stores with lower temperatures, offers HEPA filtration and an upgraded
air intake system. Proven to combat airborne microbiological threats, it reduces food spoilage rates and, therefore, waste, and enhances working conditions in food production, food storage and food preparation.

AIRSPACE™ pathogen plus

AirSpace™ Pathogen Plus is a heavy duty module designed for harsh environments and industrial, agricultural applications where high odours and air borne pathogens are present. Ideal for hatcheries, animal husbandry for example
Explore the Technology behind OXONOX

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A range of trial and test options are available to help you maximise this new technology and improve the well being and workplace experience for your property and asset users.
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