OXONOX Technology Partnership Licensing

Technology Partnership Licensing Opportunities for Engineering Solutions Providers: Your Technology plus OXONOX Solutions.

Why Would Licencing OXONOX Technology be Attractive?

There is a rapidly expanding global need for effective but automatic permanent sterilization of handrails with automatic sustainable solutions not costing the earth.
People need to transit; businesses need footfall along with a growing community of the very germ aware means that effective permanent protection of handrails may not only be good business but required by legislation at some point.
The licensing of OXONOX technology allows Engineering Solutions Providers to offer automatic permanent sterilization plasma technology, as an effective solution to these issues, directly into their designs enabling a unique proposition of OEM Product and OXONOX plasma solutions

How Do You Start a Conversation about Technology Licensing?

Firstly, simply contact us via [email protected] and we will set up a two-way investigation call to quickly establish if there are mutually beneficial opportunities to explore.

Moving forward all necessary security documents will be put in place before more in-depth technical exchanges and commercial discussions are undertaken.

If successful, the aim is to partner your technology with our expertise in plasma sterilization to achieve very successful products that help differentiate your products and brand from your competitors, add to bottom line, and help the world a bit as well.

Arrange a 

A range of trial and test options are available to help you maximise this new technology and improve the well being and workplace experience for your property and asset users.
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